

//Max heap
public class Heap {
    private int[] heapArray;
    private int maxSize;           // size of array
    private int currentSize;       // number of nodes in array

    public Heap(int maxSize) {
        this.maxSize = maxSize;
        this.currentSize = 0;
        this.heapArray = new int[maxSize];

    public boolean isEmpty() { 
        return currentSize==0; 

    public boolean insert(int key) {
        if(currentSize==maxSize) {
            return false;
        heapArray[currentSize] = key;
        currentSize = currentSize + 1;
        return true;

    public void siftUp(int index) {
        //find heap's last element, and its parent index
        int parent = (index-1) / 2;
        int bottom = heapArray[index];

        //compare the element with its parent, if the element is larger than the parent, swap them until meets the root.
        while(index>0 && heapArray[parent]<bottom) {
            heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent];  // move it down
            index = parent;
            parent = (parent-1) / 2;
        //assign the last element to the right place
        heapArray[index] = bottom;

    // delete item with max key
    public int remove()  {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("Heap is Empty!");
        int root = heapArray[0];
        heapArray[0] = heapArray[currentSize];
        currentSize = currentSize-1;
        return root;

    public void siftDown(int index) {
        int largerChild;
        int top = heapArray[index];    // save root
        while(index < currentSize/2) { // while node has at least one child                
            int leftChild = 2*index+1;
            int rightChild = leftChild+1;
            // rightChild shoud exist and find larger child
            if(rightChild < currentSize &&  heapArray[leftChild] < heapArray[rightChild]) {
                largerChild = rightChild;
            } else {
                largerChild = leftChild;

            // top >= largerChild
            if( top >= heapArray[largerChild] ) {
            // shift child up
            heapArray[index] = heapArray[largerChild];
            // go down
            index = largerChild;           
        // root to index
        heapArray[index] = top; 

    public boolean change(int index, int newValue) {
        if(index<0 || index>=currentSize) {
            return false;

        int oldValue = heapArray[index]; // remember old
        heapArray[index] = newValue;  // change to new

        // if raised
        if(oldValue < newValue)  {
        // if lowered
        } else {

        return true;

    public void displayHeap() {
        for (int i = 1; i <= heapArray.length; ++i) {
            System.out.print(heapArray[i - 1] + " ");
            if (Math.floor(Math.log(i + 1) / Math.log(2)) > Math.floor(Math.log(i) / Math.log(2))) {